It all started a few years ago, my passion to walk in the woods, close to the nature. Quite often I just stand in the middle of this path and take a moment to look. Just for a few seconds, divert my mind away from all the problems that are passing in my life and simply be where I am.
This morning, I went for a walk near my house, dragging my kids and husband along. Getting out of the house is always hard but once we’re out, going back home is even harder. We get lost in routes, but that’s part of the fun. We’ve walked hundreds of times. Gasp at the horses grazing in the fields even though we see them everyday. Somehow everyday it seems different.

Whatever the weather, whatever the day, no matter how many problems we have to overcome, the endless chores back home, it’s always peaceful here. I kinda get lost in my thoughts.
Little Things That Make an Impact
It’s all the little things that make me say this. The beam of sun that glints against the droplets of water embedded in the tips of leaves, the way the trees have a sound of their own that can’t be recorded by even the most advanced technology but is still somehow heard by our ears.

You would think that now that we have to stay at home due to lockdown, staying with the same people all the time would become unbearable and you’d do anything to get a break. But it’s quite the opposite.
Spending time with my family has become more important than ever. Getting outdoors and achieving that green thumb has appeared on my to-do list.
We’re always told to be one with the nature, fresh perspective and healthy lifestyle. But how many of us actually make an effort to do that? I’m not talking about starting your own farm and rearing your own animals. I simply mean taking a walk around where you live, taking time to appreciate small things in life.
Looking back at my normal lifestyle, I feel sorry for myself. Dragging myself out of the bed with drowsy eyes and running to catch a train so I won’t be late to work. I never took time to do the simple things in life. Like simply taking a walk with my family.
Discovering the Obvious
I never even knew what was around my house. Like the fact that there’s a farm hidden beside our house and a small woodland next to that.

I only discovered all these things when i started making an effort to get outside and forget about the zillion work emails that needs my attention, which usually occupies my mind. And I’ve experienced the peace that nature somehow brings to you. And that peace stays with you as you journey through your day.
Do you remember how when you were young, flowers brought us so much happiness? Just looking at the yellow buttercups scattered among the glistening green grass made you happy. What happened to that simple happiness?

Take the time to enjoy being outside and spending much needed time with your family. Like me, you’ll be surprised how much of a difference it can make to your day and when things get back to normal, you’ll still carry on doing these little things with nature that make a huge, positive change to your mood AND to your health.
Thanks For Reading 🙂