Cinnamon Oatmeal With Almonds – Ayurvedic Breakfast Recipe

posted in: Healthy Recipes, Recipes | 2

According to Ayurveda, if Agni, the digestive power in you is healthy, you will have tremendous energy throughout the day. Agni is the metabolic energy that helps the body assimilate nutrients, eliminate what it doesn’t need (toxins), generate warmth, and transform physical matter into the subtler forms of energy that our body requires for vitality.

How to stimulate Agni?

When we wake up in the morning, Agni is quite low. We need to stimulate your Agni, the digestive fires. You can increase your Agni by practicing Pranayama i.e breathing exercise and a few gentle Yoga postures.

Easily digestible breakfast

Ayurveda recommends an easily digestible breakfast that nourishes your body by giving it the fuel it needs without overwhelming it. If you eat breakfast according to Ayurvedic principles, you will have more energy throughout the day. As a result, you’ll be more productive at work and have healthier relationships.

Ayurveda also gives 5 recommendations for eating practices that makes a huge difference in your digestion and energy, which I will explain you at the end of this post.

Why add spices to breakfast?

Oats is an ideal breakfast grain because it is easier to digest than wheat or corn. Usually Milk is heavy for digestion, but the 2 powerful herbs cinnamon and cardamom are combined with the milk to make it lighter and less mucus forming. I have chosen almonds to supply proteins because they are also Satvic, helping to create a spiritual state of mind.

Why you shouldn’t eat Cereal with Cold Milk ?

Most people I know, eat their morning cereal with cold milk. Of course it’s very convenient in our busy mornings to just pour the cereal out of a box and pour cold milk on it. But the worst side of it is, cold milk with grains is generally a bad food combination. The milk curdles almost instantly in the stomach forming a greasy, indigestible coating over the cereal grains. However When cooked together, the mixture of milk and cereal with digestive spices, it becomes homogeneous and more digestible.


  • Oats / Oatmeal – 1/3 cup
  • Almonds – 5
  • Cardamom powder – 1/4 tsp
  • Cinnamon powder – 1/4 tsp
  • Ghee / Clarified butter – 1 tsp
  • Raw Honey – 1 tsp
  • Milk – 1 cup


  • Peel the almonds
  • Powder almonds and oats in a blender / mixer.
  • Place oatmeal and almonds mix along with all the other ingredients except honey in a pan. Use double or triple the quantity of milk depending upon level of dryness in your body. If you have difficulty digesting milk, substitute with almond milk.
  • Bring to a boil stirring constantly. Lower heat to a simmer and cook until it’s soft.
  • Garnish with chopped almonds and a pinch of cinnamon.

This warm, rustic, nourishing and creamy Cinnamon Oatmeal with Almonds will keep you satiated all the way to lunch time. This ayurvedic breakfast keeps your mind clear and gives you an even release of energy.

Ayurvedic recommendations

Ayurveda also recommends certain eating practice

1. Eat mindfully and with concentration

Avoid talking, watching TV, reading and other distractions to fully appreciate your meal and the wholesome benefits it provides.

2. Eat slowly enough that you can savor the taste of the food

Do not eat your food too fast that you won’t even feel the taste of the food. Chew it slowly so you can savor the taste of your food and enjoy it.

3. Eat quickly enough to prevent the food from getting cold

Some people eat their food very slowly, by the time they finish half of their food rest of the food will get cold. You need to finish eating your food when it is warm.

4. Eat the proper quantity of food

Be aware of hunger signals and signs of fullness to avoid overeating.

5. Eat only when your previous meal has been digested

Do not eat within 3 hours of your previous meal or snack and you should not go without food for more than 6 hours. Many Ayurvedic practitioners also recommend that you eat a modest breakfast and a larger, satisfying lunch. Lunch should be the biggest meal of your day, because at noon you will have your Agni, your digestion power at it’s highest. Eat a light and easily digestible dinner.

I hope this post has given you an insight into Ayurvedic eating practices and breakfast ideas to keep you and your family healthy, strong and fit. Have a great day ahead!


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I am sharing healthy and flavorful recipes that I love to make and eat in my everyday life. I’m always trying to come up with shortcuts to simplify the way things are done.I'm a big believer in ancient natural remedies. The discoveries that work for me are shared here for you, in hopes of helping your life become simpler in some way. Natural way of living is my motto.

2 Responses

  1. Nousheen Sultana Yahya

    Hello Samyuktha, I love your home remedies. I started drinking the weight loss drink you suggested for thyroid and PCOS in the morning. Then afternoon after lunch I take the fat burner paste( cumin+ raisins+jaggery+lemon juice). In the night I take other fat burner you suggested ( kalonji seeds+ dey ginger+ turmeric+ lemon juice)

    My question is – can I take all these 3 drinks in a single day. Will it upset my stomach ? Am I overdoing it?
    Pls suggest.