Foods That Burn Fat / Weight Loss Friendly Foods!

Foods That Burn Fat / Weight Loss Friendly Foods!
Foods That Burn Fat / Weight Loss Friendly Foods!

There are certain foods that help you burn fat much faster! Eating these foods that burn fat is one of the best ways to lose weight. Different foods go through different metabolic rates in our body. They have different effects on the number of calories you burn, your hunger and your hormones.

I include these 4 super FAT BURNING FOODS in my diet. Consuming these foods is the smart way of losing weight.

#1: Ginger

The number 1 fat burning food isss, good old ginger.

Ginger is rich in antioxidants particularly gingerol, which helps for weight loss, fat reduction, improved HDL cholesterol, which is good cholesterol and it normalizes insulin levels too.

Ginger is also great for your digestion. You can add grated ginger to your salads, you can include it when you cook soups and curries. You can also make excellent ginger tea.

You can give your metabolism a kick start by drinking ginger and lemon drink first thing in the morning.

#2: Garlic

Garlic is another very effective fat burning food.

Garlic contains Allicin which burns fat. It has the ability to reduce the LDL cholesterol and Triglyceries from your body. It also reduces the risk of heart diseases and blocked arteries.

You can easily add garlic to your soups and curries. It’s a great Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Bacterial food too. It increases your immunity as well.

#3: Whole Grains

Ditch the white and processed carbohydrates and switch over to whole grains.

Instead of polished white rice, you can eat Hand Pounded Rice or Brown Rice which contains more Vitamins and Minerals that will help you Lose Weight. Oatmeal, brown rice and millets are good sources of whole grains.

Your body burns TWICE as many calories breaking down whole foods than the processed foods.

You can use whole meal flour for your baking, that way you get more fiber into your diet. Fiber plays an important role in fighting obesity. It helps you to trap the cholesterol that is floating in your blood and removes it from your body.

#4: Vitamin C Fruits

If you are serious about your weight loss, eat fruits that are rich in Vitamin C.

Lemon, orange, tangerine, grapes, guava and limes and wonderfully rich in Vitamin C. Vitamin C dilutes the fat, and makes it easier to be removed from your body faster.

The key secret is to use these fat burning foods wisely with a proper diet and as well as a regular exercise routine.

You can bring out the best result of weight loss. I hope you find this post helpful for your fitness and weight loss. Take care! Bye!

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I am sharing healthy and flavorful recipes that I love to make and eat in my everyday life. I’m always trying to come up with shortcuts to simplify the way things are done.I'm a big believer in ancient natural remedies. The discoveries that work for me are shared here for you, in hopes of helping your life become simpler in some way. Natural way of living is my motto.